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Strand on the Green Junior School

Attendance and Punctuality

At Strand we expect that your child comes to school every day (barring illness of course) and on time. 

You are probably aware that we are required by law to record and report all authorised and unauthorised absences. Please let us know on the first day of absence, in writing, by ‘phone or email if your child is going to miss school through illness or for any other reasons.

Should we not hear from you by 12 noon you will be called by someone from school. We also need to know, in advance, if your child has a medical or dental appointment. If you take them out of school for this then you must sign them out at the office. On these occasions you must collect them as we will not allow children off site without an accompanying adult.

Term Time Absence

The current legislation is quite clear and states that family holidays should not be taken during term time. We are unable to authorise any term time absence unless it is under ‘exceptional circumstances’. All applications for term time absence should be made in writing to the school office using the term time absence form.

Should your child’s attendance fall below the expected 95% we will write to you and Jo Whelan, our PSA, will work with families whose attendance falls below 95% to improve attendance. Where attendance continues to be a cause for concern or there are unauthorised absences, such as term time holidays, we will involve the Local Authority’s Educational Welfare Officer. Their involvement could lead to prosecution.