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Strand on the Green Junior School

Year 6 Debating Team visit Putney High

Year 6 Debating Team visit Putney High

On Tuesday, Year 6 were lucky enough to be invited to an inter-school debating event at Putney High School. After some fun introductory games, it was time to reveal the first motion: this house believes that children under 14 should not be allowed to go to boarding school. For this first debate, Strand were split into two proposition teams (arguing for the motion) and two opposition teams (arguing against the motion). Even though it was Strand against Strand, there was still a lot of courage on show in taking the floor to make a clear, reasoned argument. After lots of constructive feedback from the judges, it was time to go again, now against teams from other schools. The second motion proposed that children should have more say in what they learn in school. This idea sparked some genuine dissent amongst our Year 6s: the opposition disagreed, concerned that children would limit their opportunities by sticking only to the subjects that they liked whereas the proposition insisted that motivation and attendance would be transformed. It was great to see confidence grow in this second debate which all four of our Strand teams won. A huge well done to Maha, Charlie H, Shadlin, Charlotte U-P, Theo, Ana, Charlotte F, Luca, Tali, Kaha, Sofia and Felix who all did brilliantly. The whole event was an amazing learning opportunity topped off with a Year 9 model debate featuring some very high level argument. Our thanks go to Putney High and in particular sixth-former Alice Mazon (sister of Ana and former Strandite) who organised the event and was kind enough to send us an invitation