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Strand on the Green Junior School

World Book Day 7th March

World Book Day 7th March

Next Thursday 7th March, we will be celebrating World Book Day. As ever, the children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite literary character. However, in a departure from tradition, we are also inviting children to "Get Cosy and Read" by coming to school in their most comfortable and cosy clothes - think snuggling up in pyjamas with your favourite book and a hot chocolate! We will leave the choice to you and your child, but as usual, one of the highlights of the day will be our costume (and pyjama) parade in the playground. The costumes at Strand are always spectacular and showcase the incredible breadth of reading interest in our school.

Discussing our favourite books and making recommendations to each other is a vital part of fostering a love of reading. Therefore, please ensure your child brings in one book which they feel confident to talk about with their peers. This could be the book which has inspired their costume, their all-time favourite or simply their latest read. Remember, it could also be a non-fiction book, a comic novel or an anthology. Any loved book counts!

On Monday 4th and Thursday 7th March respectively, we will also be visited by two excellent authors, Katya Balen and Iona Rangeley. Books are still available on School Spider.

* Year 3 PE will still go ahead on Thursday, so please send your child in with PE kit to change in to.