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Strand on the Green Junior School

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

What a joy it has been to have everyone back in school - we have so missed the sound of children playing happily, cheery good mornings, the bell ringing for the end of playtime and children excitedly sharing their learning. Thank you for bearing with us as we improved our drop off and pick up procedures - it was running like a well-oiled machine this morning. We hope to solve the issue of sibling pick-ups once Cygnet Club is up and running so watch this space.

Congratulations to Year 3 who have completed their first full week in the Juniors. They were very proud
when they received the first stamp in their passports for their super attitude and for adapting to Junior
life and the new routines so quickly. They have been introduced to our ten Strand Values and used
them to help create their class rules . If you have any comments, questions or concerns please email or
telephone the office and your child's class teacher will contact you.