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Strand on the Green Junior School

Welcome Back

Welcome Back

It is lovely to see the children back safe and sound, all shiny and looking gorgeous in their Strand uniform! We hope you had an enjoyable break and are ready to face the challenges of the new term. The children certainly seem to be settling back in with ease. However, should you have any concerns about – or encounter any problems with – school, please pop in and chat to your class teacher in the first instance as we may be able to sort matters out quickly and painlessly. A very special mention to Year 3 who are looking like very confident Juniors after just three days – what stars! Well done to the Year 3 parents too as they have been doing a fantastic job helping their children become more independent by wishing them farewell in the playground and waiting patiently for their return in the evenings; it is really helping them to settle into the Junior routines. The Year 3 staff are out in the playground before and after school so if you want to chat about your child’s day, don’t be shy! Please make sure you have returned all the paperwork we sent home in your packs as soon as possible. If you have a query about it, please speak to Janet or Kevin in the office.