Uniform Reminder
Thank you for all of the positive feedback regarding PE uniform days – the vibrant colours really cheer up the playground on a dull day. As the new term begins it’s a great opportunity for a uniform reminder. We spoke in assembly this morning about uniform, reminding the children that it signals that you are part of a community and committed to upholding our rules and values. Uniforms are not always the most fashionable or attractive of clothing items but are comfortable, fit for purpose and most importantly the same. Please help us reinforce this message by ensuring that your child wears the Strand PE uniform on their PE day, not their own creative approximation. Although the weather has been very changeable, we are happy for children to move to the summer PE uniform this term. A reminder that trainers should only be worn on PE days and school shoes should be worn on all other days. We will be reminding all children who wear trainers to school on non PE days of this rule and would be grateful if families would make sure children wear the appropriate footwear to school each day.