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Strand on the Green Junior School

Un Ecole Parisien et Strand

Un Ecole Parisien et Strand

Yesterday Mr Dienn and Mr Murray travelled to Ecole Elémentaire Françoise Peatrik, le Plessis Robinson outside Paris. After a very early start thanks to the magic of the Eurostar they arrive in Paris for the start of the school day and took the metro to Marcel Senbat where they were met by le Directeur of the school. At the school they met all the teachers and visited every class telling them about life at Strand and in London, using a mixture of English and French (Mr Dienn providing the English!). The children were very enthusiastic to learn about our school and can’t wait to continue correspondence. After a long day it was time for a whistle stop tour of Paris before a quick repas prés de la Gare Du Nord and then high speed back to London. The Directeaur of Le Plessis Robinson is going to visit us early next term. Bienvenue!