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Strand on the Green Junior School

The London Book Project

The London Book Project

You may have noticed our new, bright green bookcase in the front playground, by the benches. This fantastic resource has been loaned to us from The London Book Project and is ours to keep for two weeks. The project’s aims are mainly to foster conversation about book sharing, encourage children to make well informed, independent choices in what they read, and to further engage parents in these processes. During these two weeks, the bookcase will remain in the playground as an outside version of our Strand Book Swap and will work in the same way; bring a book to take a book. Children will also be able to select books from the bookcase during lunch and playtimes to read outside in the warmer weather. The project has also donated enough books so that each child can take one home at the end of the two weeks. This can then continue to feed into our swapping pool if your child wants to exchange it. Also, please encourage your children to visit the bookcase, and the regular Strand Book Swap, before and after school.