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Strand on the Green Junior School

Team Captains Elections Move Online

Team Captains Elections Move Online

A much-awaited date in the Strand diary is the election of Team Captains. Year 5 have the opportunity to stand for team captain to represent their team for the academic year 2020- 2021 and, under normal circumstances would be busy campaigning and preparing speeches to perform at the hustings. This year we are moving the hustings online and asking any Year 5 who wants to stand for office to prepare a short video, which will be posted on Google Classroom for all of Year 5 to view. We will then set up a Google form to allow everyone to vote. If you don’t have access to Google Classroom then just send your speech into school and your current team captain will record it and post it for you. Equally postal votes will be allowed to ensure everyone is able to take part and exercise their democratic right to vote. More news of this in a letter to Year 5 which we will be sending out next week – in the meantime start thinking if you want to stand and what you can offer to your team.