Tate Year 3 Project
The Tate Year 3 Project with Turner Prize and Oscar-winning artist, Steve McQueen, is a major new artwork, which will culminate in one of the most ambitious schools projects that London has ever seen. The Tate has invited every Year 3 class across London to take part in the largest group portrait ever made, the portrait will be an epic picture of our city’s pupils and our rich civic diversity. Next week a Tate photographer will visit our Year 3, taking class photographs for the artist to form a vast exhibition of tens of thousands of Year 3 pupils. The photographs will be centre stage for six months next year in the prestigious Duveen Galleries at Tate Britain. Make sure you have returned your form and come in looking beautiful in your full school uniform for this opportunity of a lifetime. Later in the year we will be making a trip to the Tate to see the artwork in situ. Thank you to Mrs Perkins for arranging this event.