Summer Maths and Reading Challenges
NRICH will be publishing a maths challenge a day throughout the summer; what a great opportunity to keep up those super skills over the holiday! Each weekday, from 18 July to 2 September, a new interactive game or puzzle will appear on the Primary page and if you have a go at a challenge you will be able to compare your approach to other children's solutions. We know how many super mathematicians we have so we look forward to hearing how you found the challenges. Please remember to use Numbots, Sumdog and Times Tables Rock Stars to keep the super fluency that you have worked so hard on in school and at home all year.
The theme for the Summer Reading Challenge 2022 is Gadgeteers and it is arriving online and in your local library this summer. Join the Gadgeteers for the Summer Reading Challenge to discover the amazing science and innovation behind around the world, including some of your favourite things! Curious? Perfect! Your imagination can unlock endless possibilities. Libraries are teaming up with the Science Museum Group for a very special science-themed challenge that will inspire you to use your imagination and creativity! Gadgeteers will feature amazing books, awesome rewards, and plenty of ideas for cool experiments and activities to discover the science all around you. The challenge will be brought to life by top children’s writer and illustrator Julian Beresford.