Strandites Shine at Junior Maths Challenge
Just before SATs, some of Year 6 took part in the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge for children aged 13 and under. More than 260,000 pupils from schools across the UK participated this year and everyone takes the same paper regardless of age. The top 6% in the country receive a gold certificate, the next 13% silver and the next 21% bronze. The results are finally in and this year our pupils were awarded 1 gold (Patrick), 4 silver (Alex L, John, Mateo and Robert) and 8 bronze certificates (Aaliyeh, Alfred, Anand, Jackson, Naail, Ronnie, Stefania and Youssef). Congratulations to everyone who took part - it is an amazing achievement to do so well in a challenge aimed at secondary school pupils.
We received an invitation for gold medalist Patrick to take part in a follow-on round. His scores in the challenge qualified him for the Junior Kangaroo along with nearly 5000 of the top mathematicians in Years 7 and 8. He performed extremely well and we are very proud of him!