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Strand on the Green Junior School

Strand joins the mini London Marathon

Strand joins the mini London Marathon

Sunday 4 October is the date of the Virgin Money London Marathon, which will be very different this year with 45,000 adults all over the world participating in the race virtually! Between Monday 28 September and Friday 9 October Strand Juniors will be participating in the ‘Virgin Money Giving Mini London Marathon’ in our PE lessons. We have decided to combine our athletic sessions with this event to see if every child can run 2.6 miles over the 2 weeks! The children have certainly embraced the challenge and have been demonstrating the Strand values. Special mentions go out to Sebastian in 3K who, incredibly, achieved and beat the 2.6 mile target in just one session! For Year 4 it was Nyah and Kaitlyn in 4B who impressed us with their consistent steady pace and commitment. Finally, well done to Jayden in 5H for his excellent attitude and Noah in 5RM, who showed fantastic courage!