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Strand on the Green Junior School

Strand Launches The Big Answer

Strand Launches The Big Answer

Each of our topics are framed as an ‘enquiry’, driven by a ‘big question’ that steers learning through a clear sequence of lessons. As one lesson feeds into the next, knowledge and understanding grow. By the end children can use the knowledge they’ve gained to address the ‘big question’ at the heart of each topic. Over the course of the Summer term each class will present their 'big answer' to their families and classmates.

Next week is the turn of Year 3 to present their big answers to the questions they have been exploring this year - we are looking forward to welcoming families back into school to hear how much they have learned. Dates and times are below:

3K 3M 3S
May 4th at 2:30pm May 5th at 9am May 6th at 9am