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Strand on the Green Junior School

Strand Eco Committee

Strand Eco Committee

Some of the Strand Eco Committee managed a virtual meeting with Miss Heale and Mrs Perkins last Friday for a catch up. Grace, Theo and Saira from Year 3 have now been voted onto the committee and we look forward to meeting with them in the New Year. It was agreed before we broke up last summer that the topics we would be tackling in school were waste, bio diversity and energy. We have allocated biodiversity to Years 3 and 4, waste to Year 5 and energy to Year 6. Please get your thinking caps on and come back with some interesting and feasible ideas/projects about how we can make a difference. It could be ways of recycling, reducing waste, saving energy or making the school environment a more healthy place to be. To start the ball rolling in the biodiversity category we have very kindly been given monies from the Parochial Charities which we will be spending on four new fruit trees in our front entrance area.

The Eco Committee wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and please recycle, recycle, recycle!