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Strand on the Green Junior School

Start for Life Offer

Start for Life Offer

Family Hubs are located in the East, Central, and West of Hounslow, providing support to families and their children from 0-19 (up to 25 with SEND). Family Hubs deliver a range of joined-up services, focusing particularly on parenting support, infant feeding support, early language support and perinatal mental health support. The Start for Life offer is a one stop shop of 100 free services that all Hounslow parents and carers can access during the crucial first 1,001 days - from pregnancy until a baby is two years old. The offer covers support and services from Pre-birth and Pregnancy, Infant and New-born Health, Childhood Development, Mental Health, Parents and Carers Support, Financial and Other Support, and Helpful Resources. Please share this information with any parents or carers who would benefit from the Family Hubs and Start for Life offer.