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Strand on the Green Junior School

Staffing for Next Year

Staffing for Next Year

While the class lists for next year are still being fine-tuned, and will be with families on the 15th July, the staffing has been finalised. Kay Richards will continue in her role as SENDCo. Gill Coulton will be without class responsibility and will be providing additional support in Year 6. Lucy Mackowska will continue as cover teacher and EAL specialist based in Year 5. Geoff Bonner will continue to teach music two days a week. Remi Murray will put his language talents to good use by teaching French throughout the school, Emily Smith-Stevenson will head up the PE team. We have one new recruit to the teaching team: Anna Donovan who will be job sharing with Tara Ristic in 3DR. Anna is a very experienced teacher and is joining us from a school in Richmond but is well known to Strand as the mother of Finn and Joe. The final new recruit is Roxanne Matoorian who will be joining us as a part time Catch Up Tutor.

Teaching Team Learning Support Team
Year 3

Tara Ristic - Year Team Leader

Anna Donovan

Alice Maynard

Natalie Smith

Debbie Branch

Jo Whelan

Sally Wilkes

Year 4

Zoe Turrell - Year Team Leader

Remi Murray

Rachel Habershon

Jess Marron

Kel Caton

Jacqui Weir

Suzi McRoberts

Year 5

May Slingsby - Year Team Leader

Ellie Heale

Andy Ingram

Lucy Mackowska

Dexter Bentley

Denise Hewell

Maria Wade

Year 6

Sorcha Kennedy Alexander - Year Team Leader

Gill Coulton

Megan Hill

Catherine Rigby

Clare Day

Helen Jones

Neil Vandenbegin

Fiona Heath

River Wendy Bonner

Laura Grimond

Bonita Garlick

Vida Alimpic

Otter Katy Lambert

Ianta Archibald

Heidi Diakoganides

Bonita Garlick

We’re saying “goodbye” to some much loved colleagues at the end of term. Firstly it is farewell to Mrs Nosworthy who is leaving Strand to take up a role as a class teacher in Bracknell, just 5 minutes from her home! Much as Gemma is a Strandite through and through the temptation of a position so close to home was in the end just too hard to resist and with Ollie starting school in September it's a great solution for the whole family. Gemma joined us 12 years ago as an NQT in Year 3 but it wasn't long before she found her oeuvre as Head of Year 6 and Computing lead and has been a cornerstone of Year 6 ever since. Renowned for her ability to organise events, complete tasks in record time, speak her mind, solve technical issues, make 'the box' work, lay down clear and consistent rules (and apply them rigorously), and employ her sixth sense for when a Strandite has been up to no good (in school, at the rec on social media ….) and forensically investigate until matters are resolved Gemma will be sorely missed. Most importantly though she will be remembered for her unwavering loyalty and her willingness to go the extra mile for her colleagues and pupils, even coming back from maternity leave early when Covid hit. Mrs Noswothy truly is #spirited, scholarly and supportive.

The second Strandite moving on is Miss Crone, who is relocating to sunny Devon. Jennie joined us at the very beginning of our Swan Centre adventure as an LSA having become disillusioned with teaching. It didn’t take her long to find her spark again and for us to persuade her she should move back into a teaching role. Jennie initially worked in Yr 4 and then was persuaded (a recurrent theme!) to move into River Class where she has found her home, you could say she took to it like a duck to water (forgive the pun - it's not up to your standard Miss Crone). Once persuaded she completely redesigned River Class, from improving the learning environment to overhauling the curriculum Jennie has been a constant voice for the Swan Centre ever advocating for equality and ensuring her children get the best possible deal. As a colleague Jennie has been the life and soul of many a Christmas party and staff social, her quick wit, propensity to bestow nicknames on colleagues, leave a pithy message on the Strand WhatsApp, persuade Mr Murray to buy birthday cakes for the first time in 10 years and make brilliant leaving scrapbooks which bely her warm heart and thoughtful nature has earned her a special place in all our hearts and she will be sorely missed. So from Tristic, Nozzer, Bessex, Grimmond, Woods and Mr Thorne to name but a few - good luck Crone good bye and beep beep!

The final Strandite to move on is Caitlin Woodley our Catch Up tutor. Caitlin, herself an ex Strandite and has been providing extra support to pupils across the school. Caitlin is taking some time out to go travelling for a well deserved break before deciding where life will take her next.