Souper Harvest Supper!
The Harvest Supper on Wednesday was a simply souper affair! Singing skills were certainly on display as Mr Bonner had Year 6 singing in parts and harmonies with a cracking medley of True Colours, and Times Like These – who knew those songs would sound so good together? The children sang beautifully and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house as they finished their set with a soaring rendition of One Day Like This. The soup was also a hit with old favourites like Strand Surprise, Leek and Potato and Creamy Tomato being overtaken in the popularity stakes by Carrot, Ginger and Coconut. Thank you to all the families who contributed to the event by donating ingredients, buying tickets and eating soup - it was lovely to see everyone back together enjoying the singing. The event raised a whopping £378 which will go to Water Aid – a fitting end to the ‘It’s Not Fair’ topic, where inequalities around access to basic necessities such as clean water have been at the fore. A special thank you to Mrs Day who masterminds the event, perfects the recipes and helps the children make the delicious soup, spending most of her week knee deep in onion skins and carrot peelings.