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Strand on the Green Junior School

Secret Strandite


Secret Strandite

Recently Alex L in Year 6 took part an international acrobatic gymnastics competition in Warsaw.  Alex is part of a 4 man team who create gravity defying human pyarmids and death defying tumbles. The competition was for 11 – 16 year olds, making Alex one of the youngest competitors and despite some very tough competiton form Belgium, Alex’s team won the whole comportition! The team is incredibly successful recently winning regional campionships, meaning their next goal is qualifiying for Team GB. That success doesn’t come easily - Alex practices for 16 hours a week after school and weekends as well as fitting in homework. That is real commitment. This week Alex and his team are off to Tunbridge Wells to compete in another international competition with a view to competing in Budapest in September! Strand Values in action – we know you will join us in wishing Alex and his teammates all the best.