School Open in September
You will have seen that yesterday the government made an announcement regarding schools in September. Again the guidance is weighty, a mere 45 pages this time! However, the headlines are clear: Every child will be back in school in September every day. Obviously there are a lot of logistical details to be resolved in order to make that happen but this period of wider opening has allowed us to trial systems and decide what works well and what doesn’t. In September, we will be operating a staggered start and staggered finish. We will write to you with more details of what your child’s day will look like once they are in school either before the end of term or during the holidays. We are all very excited about seeing everyone again and staff are already looking forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday 7 September.
As we have not been able to do a thorough transition for Year 2 children, they will be returning to school as Year 3 on Friday 4th of September. This will allow them to get used to their new surroundings, learn some systems before the rest of the school arrive back on Monday 7th of September. Details of start times, pick up points, drop-off points etc will follow.