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Strand on the Green Junior School

Scholarly Strandite Succeeds at Maths Competition

Scholarly Strandite Succeeds at Maths Competition

A few of Year 6 took part in the 2020 MEM Challenge Competition (for Years 7 and 8) in February. Over 2,200 pupils from 126 schools sent in solutions to 8 challenging maths questions where success depended on showing your working out. Congratulations to Keya who has been awarded a Certificate of Merit which will be presented as soon as possible once the University of Liverpool reopens.

Keya has been a regular winner in Sumdog competitions over the last four years, so if you are an aspiring mathematician, then the best way to hone those skills is to practice, practice and then practice a little more! As we all have a little more time on our hands why not enter the Sumdog competition. As usual, anyone who answers 100 questions over the course of the week will be rewarded with an item for their Sumdog house and every correct answer could help their team to victory. Good luck!