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Strand on the Green Junior School

SATs Results

SATs Results

The 2017 SATs results were returned to school last week and very impressive they are too. The table below shows the percentage of children at Strand reaching the expected standard compared to all children nationally.

% at Expected Standard Reading Grammar Writing Maths

Reading, Writing

& Maths Combined

Strand  82 88 83 89 77
National 71 77 76 75 61

Equally impressive is that 29% of children at Strand reached a high score in reading, writing and maths combined. Whilst comparative data is not yet available, last year 5% of children nationally achieved this standard in all three subjects. So a big ‘congratulations’ to Year 6 for their outstanding effort and commitment, not just in their approach to the tests but in their exemplary attitude to learning throughout their entire four years at Strand. What remarkable Strandites they are!