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Strand on the Green Junior School

Ringsfield 2023

Ringsfield 2023

The first group of Ringsfielders have returned tired but happy after their week learning to be Earthwatchers in Suffolk. The children have had a fantastic time despite the wintry weather. Back in school, we’ve been able to see the excitement of Ringsfield first hand thanks to all of the fabulous photos that have been posted on the Strand website throughout the week. Returners, make sure that you have a look as soon as you get home – you’ll be able to start reminiscing straight away! Thank you to the staff who accompanied the group!

Bon voyage to the second group of Ringsfielders who will set off for their residential trip in Suffolk on Monday. We hope that they have a lovely time and the weather is kinder to them. There promises to be plenty of mud so send those old clothes and be prepared for lots of washing when they return! The children will be accompanied by Ellie Heale, Wendy Bonner, Andy Ingram and Laura Grimond, all of whom are just as excited as the children to get away on holiday! If you have an outstanding payment for the trip, Mr Thorne will gratefully receive it. Follow their week on the website – wifi connection permitting! Please arrive at school by 9 am for a 9:30 departure.