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Strand on the Green Junior School

Right Royal Bake Off

Right Royal Bake Off

We had a huge selection of delicious and beautiful cakes entered for our bake off - the standard was definitely worthy of the tent and a few Hollywood handshakes. With not a soggy bottom in sight the table was full of fantastic entries from cupcakes to gravity defying three tiered wonders! Thank you to everyone who supported and, more importantly cleared up after, our budding bakers. The results were truly delicious and so beautiful we had to award a 1st , 2nd and 3rd place in each year group and even some highly commended! 

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
1st Evelyn David C Ariane Imene
2nd Kaysen Cleo Nina Muna




Oliver and Charlie



Best in Show Louis G Oliver G

Jubilee Bake Off