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Strand on the Green Junior School

Red Nose Day Approaches

Red Nose Day Approaches

Next Friday we will be hosting a number of events across the day to raise money for a great cause. Our first event is a talent show. Auditions are currently being held in each class. Only one act will be chosen per class, so get practising. Our second event will be a teacher assault course, where a number of lucky children will get to throw dodgeballs, water balloons and wet sponges at two chosen teachers. The two teachers will be picked by you! Voting is open on ParentPay or alternatively hand your votes to the office. Each vote will cost £1 per teacher but you can vote as many times as like. The top two teachers will be selected to take the assault course. Finally, whichever teacher loses the assault course will be getting GUNKED BY BEANS! Make sure to wear as much red as possible on the day and donate £1 to this amazing good cause. Red Noses can be bought for £1.50 at the office.