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Strand on the Green Junior School

Pass on Plastic

Pass on Plastic

The day started with an assembly written and delivered by Theo, Daisy, Alex and Eloise on the important issue of plastic use. They started with an emotive piece of writing from Daisy urging us to look after ‘our ancestor’ the planet, reminding us that we would never treat our families the way we have treated the earth. Having produced a fantastic PowerPoint on her own at home, Eloise shared some truly shocking facts about the effect single use plastics are having on oceans and sea life. The children then went on to share a film with us showcasing the work that Sky have been doing over the last year to preserve the oceans. Over the last year Sky have been running a ‘Pass on Plastic’ campaign, urging people to pass on single use plastic and have committed to hugely reducing their use of single use plastic in their organisation. At Strand we are trying to play our part in the ‘Pass on Plastic’ campaign and the children ended their assembly posing the question to all children - What can you do? Simple changes can make a difference.Today’s assembly was perfectly timed to coincide with the team from Sky coming in to make and plant the remaining planters for our ‘Recycled Garden’ in the Brooks Lane Garden. Mrs Perkins has sourced planters made from 100% recycled plastic and we will be planting them with lots of veg that we can use in our learning. Each year group will be responsible for a planter and Mrs P has grand plans including designing a plastic irrigation system, a wall made from recycled crisp packets and much more. This week if every family at Strand tried to achieve just one thing on the list we would make a difference. Which one will you pledge to do?