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Strand on the Green Junior School

ParentZone Workshops

ParentZone Workshops

This week we received a visit from ParentZone who came to talk to staff, pupils and parents about using the Internet safely. The afternoon started off with an interactive talk for Year 6, who were encouraged to be critical thinkers in order to develop their resilience when using the Internet independently. The children were asked to identify whether or not news was fake and then given some top tips to help them spot fake news and questionable news sources. The children were also reminded of the importance of talking to an adult about what they are doing on the Internet and who they can turn to if they come across a problem. Then there was a workshop provided for parents and staff about how to ensure our children are safe when using the Internet. Encouraging families to have conversations about how the Internet is being used was high on the agenda as research shows this can really help to keep people safe. Thank you to all the parents that attended the Parentzone workshop. To find out more information about all the latest apps and websites and ways to use the internet safely you can visit www.parentzone.org.uk. Guides on how to increase privacy and update security settings are also included.