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Strand on the Green Junior School

New Faces and New Names

New Faces and New Names

A special welcome to the new children who have joined us, both in Year 3 and across the school. They have made a fantastic start and are beginning to look like Strandites already! We also have new faces amongst the staff. Rachel Thomas and Catherine Rigby have settled in well and wowed the children with their talents at the first assembly of the year – who would have guessed they were both in a Rolling Stones tribute band! Rachel entertained us with her rendition of ‘Moves Like Jagger’ and we were left in awe of Catherine’s sporting commitment – she has a duathalon planned for this weekend when most of the staff are planning a quiet lie down to regroup after the rigors of the first week back. Not only have our NQT’s made a great start but the Strand team has been swelled by our three School Direct trainees Sonya Coakley Hanan, Gemma Humphry and Haifa Alsagaff who are working in Years 3, 5 and 6 respectively. Kate O'Brien, well known to Cygnet Club families, is also working alongside Kevin on school finance matters. It’s not only new faces for everyone to get used to but new names too as Michelle Aurelius is to be known by her married name of Mrs Wood.