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Strand on the Green Junior School

Multiple Mathematicians Celebrate Success

Multiple Mathematicians Celebrate Success

Earlier this month, Miss Crone’s maths group participated in the First Mathematics Challenge – a national challenge in its pilot year. Constantly looking to prove and test their knowledge, the Year 4s accepted the challenge with enthusiasm and determination. The challenge certainly was a challenge! Factor in perplexing puzzles in addition to complex calculations and ponderous word problems, and they would have been forgiven for feeling negative. However, Strandites to the nth degree, all maintained a positive outlook and each participant received a well-deserved certificate for their efforts and successes. Incredibly, maths whiz Daniel scored full marks in the challenge – perhaps having already achieved first place in the borough Sumdog competition this year put him in prime position to do so! A huge well done from Miss Crone, whose pride in all her mathematicians is equal to Phil Neville’s pride in the Lionesses after their football world cup game last night.