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Strand on the Green Junior School

Inset Day

Inset Day

On Monday we joined our colleagues from Belmont, Cavendish, Grove Park, The William Hogarth, Green Dragon, Marlborough, Strand Infants and Chiswick for our inaugural Progress West Partnership conference. You may remember from earlier newsletter items that we are working collaboratively as a group to improve and enhance opportunities for all our children. Hosted by Chiswick school the day followed the theme of Wellbeing and was packed with excellent speakers on a wide range of topics from safeguarding to how to support children online. Three themes were explored throughout the day; Deepening Understanding, Building Resilience and Offering Support, and the sessions each focused on one of these golden threads. Staff found the day very thought provoking and we are now turning our thoughts to the changes we can make at Strand to address the issues our children face. A huge thank you to Kate Shafi who had the unenviable task of booking speakers, organizing food and making sure each of the 410 attendees knew exactly what they were doing!