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Strand on the Green Junior School

Book Swap Launched

Book Swap Launched

The book swap launched this week with lots of children bringing in books to swap in the after school sessions in the hall. Thank you to all of you who have donated to get the swap going; the children were very impressed with the vast variety of books on offer and everyone walked away with something good to read. The book swap will now take up its permanent position in the entrance hall, adjacent to the meeting room. Whenever you need a new book you can visit the book swap and take your pick. Or try this one …..

Mr Thorne Recommends - Beetle Boy – MG Leonard

Darkus Cuttle’s dad is missing, having vanished from a locked room. If Darkus is to find him, he’ll need help. He soon discovers that help can come from the most unlikely places, as he befriends a beetle called Baxter, and they investigate the strange mystery together. This book features great characters (many of them with six legs!), a thrilling adventure, and one of the best villains you’ll ever scuttle across – Lucretia Cutter! If you love creepy crawlies, or even if they give you the heebie-jeebies, give it a go. The final book in the trilogy, Battle of the Beetles, is out early next year, so get reading to catch up in time for its arrival!