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Strand on the Green Junior School

Home Schooling

Home Schooling

We know that all families have been trying hard to adjust to the new way of learning away from the classroom – as have we all – but please don’t get worried about which pieces of work your children have to complete by when and which button on Google Classroom you have to press to hand in the assignment. We are all adjusting to the new educational landscape and given time we will find a way to make it work. Making it work will look different in every house and even for each child in your family. Try to do some reading and some maths every day and a written task most days. Some days this won’t be possible, on others you’ll be able to achieve much more because a task has grabbed their attention and they are inspired – rest assured this is how learning happens in school, it ebbs and flows. We will be sending home new work books after the holidays; these are there to provide structure and ideas for those families that want it. Equally, you may have other priorities – teaching your child to cook, exploring the minibeasts that live in your garden, junk modelling with toilet roll or just spending time together as a family. This enforced break from normality has given us all some precious time to spend with our families – make the most of it and enjoy the moment.