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Strand on the Green Junior School

Farewell Miss Neil and Au Revoir Mrs Perkins

Farewell Miss Neil and Au Revoir Mrs Perkins

As many of you will know, Miss Neil is originally from Australia and having lived abroad for many years she has decided the time is right to return home. Jess had hoped to remain at Strand until the end of the academic year but her husband, Andy, has been offered the perfect job in Melbourne and so they have had to bring their plans forward. We know that you will miss her but I’m sure you will want to join us in wishing Jess and Andy well in this new chapter in their lives. Mr Bonner will be taking over the reins in 5N supported by Ms Habershon until the end of the year. 5N are in good hands. Another Strandite feeling the pull of down under is Mrs Perkins who will be taking a sabbatical next half term. Janet will return refreshed in February. In the meantime, Mr Thorne will be on hand to deal with all those office queries.