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Strand on the Green Junior School

Farewell Fantastic Mrs Fox

Farewell Fantastic Mrs Fox

Katy Fox has reluctantly resigned from her post as, for personal reasons; her family is relocating away from London. Logistically, she will be unable to make the journey to Strand once the move is made so, sadly, she will not be returning after the Easter holidays. Katy has had a long and happy relationship with Strand for many years, first as a pupil and latterly as a teacher. Children throughout the school have benefitted from Katy’s musical expertise and French skills as, during her time at Strand, she has both introduced

French as our MFL and delivered very high quality lessons when she was teaching French Carousel. Katy’s calm manner and vast experience have meant that a class with Mrs Fox at the helm has always been a happy and nurturing place to be. Katy will be missed by 3N and her colleagues alike. We wish her and her family well in their new life in the country. Mr Naslund will share 3N with Sarah Fetta after Easter.