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Strand on the Green Junior School

Easter Assembly in 3K

Easter Assembly in 3K

3K wowed, and educated audiences this morning with a whistle-stop tour of topics ranging from light and pollination to carnivals and latin! The many tenuous (or in the words of Mrs Ristic- ‘genius’) links highlighted the knowledge the children have gained this term. Of course, the Easter story was the central theme, and the children acted out the important story so thoughtfully and respectfully. Our very own Michael Aspel (Jasmine) interviewed Jesus (Oscar) about his life and how he was a great example of an Upstander, helping others even when it was very difficult and some were against Him. The children reminded us of this important message through fantastic acting and singing, but Shay, as all of us are, is also looking forward to all the Easter chocolate! Well done to 3K for working so hard to pull off a cracking assembly in such a short space of time. Many noted their growth in confidence and Mrs Wilkes and Miss K-A were extremely proud.