Dressing Up Clothes Needed
The Victorian dressing up box is rather depleted! We had a very large supply of flat caps, waistcoats, bonnets and shawls which the children used during their study of Victorian Chiswick; however, they seem to have gone missing. If you have any of the above items that you would like to donate to school, we would be very grateful. Year 6 will be holding photo shoots for their evacuee movies next week and children will be dressing as evacuees to add authenticity to the pictures. Therefore, if they have anything at home that could pass for 1940s attire, it would be great if they could either wear it or bring it on their allotted day (6J Monday, 6D Wednesday, 6B Thursday). We have a few bits to lend to anyone who is stuck but there is a lot you can do with normal school uniform items e.g. a white shirt, grey skirt or shorts and long socks with school shoes can be easily accessorised to look the part. You do not need to go out and buy anything but we would be very grateful if any year 6 children who do have bits and pieces like hats or shawls that they could bring in for the day and share with their classmates.