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Strand on the Green Junior School

Clubs Deadline Monday @ 9am

Clubs Deadline Monday @ 9am

Clubs letters went out this week for this term’s activities running from 29th April to 28th June. If your child would like to participate in a club, please complete the slip and put it and your payment in a sealed envelope marked with the name of the club on the outside. Place this in the box inside the office by 9:00am on Monday 29th April

There are eight sessions. We would be grateful for a voluntary contribution of £1.25 per session (£10 in total) which should be paid in advance. There will be no refunds for children missing sessions due to absenteeism. (Cheques should be made payable to Strand on the Green Junior School.) Should you have any difficulties with payment please contact Kevin Thorne. Teachers responsible for each club will advise your child by Tuesday 30th April if they have a place. If the club is oversubscribed the teacher will decide against a set criteria who they can take this term. Slips and payments will be returned to you if your child does not have a place this term.