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Strand on the Green Junior School

Book Swap Launch

Book Swap Launch

The time has arrived for the long-awaited Book Swap to open. Next week will be launch week. Thank you to all of you who have donated to get the swap going; as we go to press, the collection continues to be organised behind the scenes and is looking varied and plentiful. To avoid any disappointment due to launch popularity, each year group will have the chance to come to the hall after school with parents or careers, to peruse the collection and, of course, swap a book.

Year 6 - Monday 9th October
Year 3 – Tuesday 10th October (If you have clubs, come at 4:20 or another day.)
Year 4 – Thursday 12th October
Year 5 – Friday 13th October 7

Remember to bring a book you would like to leave in place of the one you are taking home with you.