Becoming an Eco School
Following the informative assembly on the environment given by Ayali and Keya earlier in the term, we have
agreed to join the Eco-Schools programme and work towards becoming an Eco school. The
programme provides a unique opportunity that empowers pupils to lead change within their school and
have a positive impact in their wider community. The programme encourages pupils of all ages and abilities
to work together to develop their knowledge and environmental awareness. We asked pupils to apply to
become Eco committee members to help run the programme and the following children were announced in
assembly this morning: Monty 3T, Annis 3M, Fatima 3T, Livia 4B, Sophie MP 4B, Alice 4H, Ina 5RA, Roxana
5B, Eloise 5B, Victoria 6H, Lianna 6S and Daisy 6H. Look out for more information on how to provide
support for this exciting new project. If there is a parent who would like to get involved and join the
committee please speak to Mrs Perkins in the office.