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Strand on the Green Junior School

Author Visit

Author Visit

On Monday, the whole school was treated to a visit from fantastic author Jennifer Killick, creator of the brilliant Alex Sparrow, Crater Lake and Dread Wood series. With us all day, Jennifer spoke to Years 3 and 4 about the importance of imagination and gave some great ways to keep them growing so that they ‘don’t shrivel up and die’! The focus with Years 5 and 6 was the inspiration behind her latest horror series, which included how to scare and disgust your reader to keep them hooked! Some lucky children across the school, including Otter and River classes, were able to take part in a writing workshop focussing on ‘suspicion’. The children were encouraged to find unusual things around them and were taught how to generate ideas and retell stories relating to these ‘suspicious’ items. With tremendous creativity being shown in their writing and story-telling, Jennifer clearly ignited the imagination of all the children.