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Strand on the Green Junior School

3N's Assembly

3N's Assembly

3N entertained the school this morning with their assembly on relationships. The assembly gave us all the perfect recipe for harmonious relationships and lots of tips on how we can make our learning even better by working on our friendships at the same time. With singing, dancing, acting and a sound message reflecting the Strand Values it was the perfect assembly as well. The costumes were fab; Jo Whelan, Debbie Branch and Sally Wilkes have been busy making headdresses and sourcing props – I think it’s the first time a sun lounger has featured in an assembly! It is amazing to see how confident and self-assured 3N have become since they joined the Juniors – everyone spoke clearly and delivered their lines with aplomb. Well done as well to Mrs Fetta and Mr Naslund for orchestrating the performance and coping manfully with cast absences and technical failures. Well done 3N and ‘Come on you Bees!’ at Wembley this weekend.